This page serves as one-stop resource regarding flexible work frameworks that support USF鈥檚 commitment to student success and the well-being of our employees.

Flexible work arrangements may be either full-time or part-time, whereby eligible university employees are authorized by appropriate management to regularly perform the normal duties and responsibilities of their positions, through the use of computers and other telecommunications, at sites other than their usual place of work.

This policy does not apply to situations where employees work at home on an incidental or occasional basis for various reasons (e.g., to complete regular assignments or special projects that require concentration and fewer interruptions). These alternate work site situations can be approved by an employee's department on a case-by-case basis.

Beginning in fall 2021 and consistent with pre-pandemic curriculum needs, schedules and practices, the University expects USF faculty, many of whom have already been teaching on site, to provide in-person rather than remote instruction starting Aug. 23. Any exceptions to schedules must be approved by the faculty member鈥檚 Chair and Dean of the College.

document with official check

Flexible Workplace Policy and Agreement 


The practice of working at a remote location instead of physically traveling to a central workplace (鈥淔lexible Work Arrangement鈥) is a work alternative available to employees at the 91社区 with management approval, provided that the arrangement is conducive to University operations and performance of the employee鈥檚 job duties. This policy establishes guidelines for approving and administering Flexible Work Arrangements.

As a best practice, employees and supervisors should complete the Flexible Work Assessments to guide further discussion about an applicable arrangement. 

Employees can complete and submit a Flexible Work Request via GEMS Self Service. Upon receiving the email notification, managers can log into GEMS to Approve or Reject the Flexible Work Request.

Click here to access a of the electronic form.

person, heart and briefcase

Employee Guide
This guide is applicable for all employees and can serve as a comprehensive training.

clock surrounded by thumb up, person, talk bubble

Leader Guide: Designing a Hybrid Work Environment
covers current research and best practices

checklist with magnifier glass

Remote Work Readiness Questionnaire
This planning tool is intended for leaders assessing department structure.

gear with arrows and bar chart in middle

Performance Management
This is a recommended resource for all leaders. USF's Performance Management procedures, the yearly cycle, SMART goals and more.


Flexible Work Assessment
Dual questionnaires provide the opportunity to capture the shared understanding of what is expected in a remote work environment. 

USF Health

USF Health employees can access

Further Information

Considerations when Setting up a Flexbile Work Arrangement

 Things to consider in setting up a flexible work arrangement are:

  • Is the proposed flexible work arrangement in the best interests of the university or is the flexible work arrangement solely for the convenience of the employee?
  • Where will the flexible work site be located? Is the location conducive to a safe and effective flexible work situation?
  • What is the proposed duration of the flexible work arrangement? Is this acceptable?
  • What is the proposed work schedule at the flexible work site and how often will the employee be expected to return to the regular work site?
  • Have the employee and supervisor agreed on how work will be assigned, results will be monitored/reviewed, and the employee's performance will be evaluated (e.g., quality, productivity, timeliness, expected results/outcomes)?
  • Which equipment and/or services required for the employee to effectively perform his/her job will be provided by the university? Which will be provided by the employee?
  • Have equipment and/or services to be provided by the university, and/or has remote access to the employee's workplace computer, been authorized in accordance with university procedures?
  • Does the employee understand his/her responsibilities with respect to safeguarding university property and/or documents located at the flexible work site and preventing unauthorized access to any sensitive or confidential information and/or data?
  • Does the employee understand that he/she should not be responsible for care-giving for children, parents, or others during scheduled hours of work?
  • How do overtime work considerations, use of annual and sick leave, and workers' compensation requirements impact the arrangement?
  • What review will be conducted to ensure that the flexible work arrangement is achieving what it was designed to achieve and the provisions and conditions of the flexible work agreement are being complied with?

Learn More About the Flexible Work Assessments

The guided assessments created by HR include separate assessments for the employee and supervisor.  Dual questionnaires provide the opportunity to capture the shared understanding of what is expected in a remote work environment.  Certain questions will require answering "yes" if they are necessary precursors in alignment with the Flexible Work Arrangement Policy. 

Other questions will help assess whether the role is forward-facing, indicating a needed presence on campus.

The remaining questions will serve the purpose of a more guided experience between the leader and employee in articulating the desired outcome of either remote work or transitioning back to campus.  

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Access the

FAQs for All Employees

 How do I know if I'm eligible to work remotely?  

  • Some job functions are better suited for remote work than others.  HR has compiled a flexible work assessment for employees and supervisors to work together in discussing the fit of different roles.
  • The guided assessments  ( | ) created by HR include separate assessments for the employee and supervisor.  Dual questionnaires provide the opportunity to capture the shared understanding of what is expected in a remote work environment.  Certain questions will require answering "yes" if they are necessary precursors in alignment with the Other questions will help assess whether the role is forward-facing, indicating a needed presence on campus. The remaining questions will serve the purpose of a more guided experience between the leader and employee in articulating the desired outcome of either remote work or transitioning back to campus.  

I've been told to return to campus, but I am uncomfortable doing so.  What can I do? 

  • People may be uncomfortable for a  variety of reasons, so the first step is the determine why you are uncomfortable. If you have general anxiety about returning, life and personal help is available through our /hr/benefits/eap.aspx
  • If you have particular health concerns, you may want to explore eligibility for ADA Accommodations.

What expectations exist for Faculty? 

  • Human Resources developed a Working Beyond COVID page with guidance on taking leave, working remotely and maintaining a clean and healthy campus.  
  • For Faculty, the University has developed a comprehensive FAQ page for Faculty. Helpful information has also been provided by the Office of the Provost and Innovative Education in a toolkit for academic continuity.  Additionally, the Faculty Toolkit provides guidance for asynchronous learning and more.

What do I do about parking on campus?

  • Parking Permits are still required to park on USF campuses 24 hours seven days a week.
  • Each employee should weigh the cost of a semester/yearly permit with how often they intend to park on campus throughout the year. In some instances, it may be cheaper to pay for metered parking or a daily parking permit in place of a semester/yearly parking permit. Parking & Transportation Services has provided this helpful document to assess parking options for flexible work. Contact your campus鈥 parking office if you need assistance in determining which permit option is best for you in your future at work.
  • For more information on Tampa campus parking visit www.usf.edu/parking
  • For more information on St. Petersburg campus parking visit
  • For more information on Sarasota-Manatee campus parking visit

I will be working from a remote location at least part of the time. What are some best practices? 

The is a great place to start with tips on setting up your home office, safety and security, creating routines and communicating.

How can I stay motivated?  or I'm having trouble with anxiety.

Whether working remote or on-site, most people can use a little help now and then. Access the list of online workshops offered throughout the year by Magellan, our Employee Assistance Program providers.  You'll find many great topics from mindfulness to motivation. 

I am having trouble with work-life demands. 

  • Many employees have found increased care-taking  roles since the pandemic began. Through our Employee Assistance Program, you can access LifeCare's "We Can Help" program at for personalized assistance in variety of areas. For example, they can help find childcare, pet care and elderly care. Click here for instructions on navigating to the LifeCare resource page.
  • Are you balancing remote work with kids at home? Many of the parents who have been fortunate enough to be able to work remotely have discovered how hard is to do so with children present. Click here for some to help juggle parenting & working at home.

FAQs for Leadership

 What is USF鈥檚 position is on remote work? 

USF has developed to cover flexible work arrangements.  

  • Use the flexible workplace readiness questionnaire to look at the big picture of your department. Use the Workplace Readiness Questionnaire to look at the big picture of your department, future goals and how best to serve our students, staff, faculty and community.  This can help you determine who needs to be where.  
  • Share the Flexible Work Assessment with your employees to guide the conversations about desired outcomes.  The assessment helps to provide a consistent and fair method for how to determine who can work remotely.  For example, you will want to look at the essential functions of the job and overall job performance.

I received an email indicating my employee completed the Flexible Work Assessment for Employees. What should I do? What steps do I need to take?

  • The great news is that the tool instigates conversation. Ask the employee what he/she learned from the tool and then have a conversation about how he/she/they answered the tools.
  • Complete the and discuss the results. Make sure to review any differences with the employee and that the goals you expect of the position are indeed being achieved.
  • The employee and supervisor should review and complete a flexible work agreement. As a best practice, employees are recommended to have 鈥渟mart鈥 goals for their work to measure success and to aid in continuous conversation. As the supervisor, if the essential functions require in person work, you always have the right to address those items and require they meet the essential functions of the position.

Fairness: How do I explain to employees that they need to be on campus while others do not? 

  • This can be hard, but early conversations about job functions can help. Talk to your team early about your unit's goals how you will best serve our students, staff, faculty and community.  There should be a shared understanding of who needs to be in place to reach the department's goals.  
  • Show that you are using the same set of standards across the board.  By giving all of your employees the opportunity to complete the Flexible Work Assessment, you can reach a shared understanding of why an employee may or may not be a fit for remote work as determined by the same rubric.  The assessment helps to provide a consistent and fair method for how to determine who can work remotely. For example, you will want to look at the essential functions of the job and overall job performance.

My employee has already been working successfully in a remote/hybrid arrangement.  We plan to keep the arrangement as-is.  Do we still need to take the Flexible Work Assessment?  

  • It is a best practice to complete a flexible work assessment. While the assessment is not mandatory, it is always in everyone's best interest to have everything documented.  The assessment can be helpful in identifying any items for discussion that might have been missed when remote work started as a result of the pandemic.  The assessment is also a tool to provide fairness and reasoning in a scenario where some employees are able to work remotely while others are required to be on campus. 
  • All training is highly reccomended but not mandatory.  
  • We recommend that all employees (including supervisors) read the for an overview of elements from the Flexible Work Policy and Flexbile Work Agreement.  This training will also help with safety and ergonomic concerns, security, communication and productivity for those working remotely.  There is extra guidance on communication, equity and performance management for supervisors.
  • Supervisors should read the .  This is based on the most current research and best practices, providing a holistic view of employee wellness, benefits and issues connected with hybrid workplaces.  It also offers more detail and examples of performance management and communication expectations.
  • All employees, remote and traditional, should have goals and metrics. The new normal will highlight the need to see measurable outcomes from employees. This is nothing to fear, as it presents a great opportunity for growth.  
  • View this LinkedIn Learning course about (46 minutes).
  • Visit the Employee Success Center for Performance Management for Success. This information includes the yearly cycle, goals and recommended LinkedIn Learing courses for employees to develop competencies.  For questions or help, email Talent Development at training@usf.edu

How do I handle employees that do not want to return because of COVID concerns?  

  • There may be many different situations, all with different ways of handling.
  • If your employee has general anxiety about returning, life and personal help is available through our Employee Assistance Program. Some of the recent resources deal with emotional and financial challenges by offering online webinars, tip sheets, articles, discounts and personal assistance finding services.
  • For particular health concerns, your employee may need to explore eligibility for ADA accommodations.